Feather River Canyon | Route 70 Scenic Loop

Praised by locals, this route goes through pristine valleys, with mountains and fields on all sides. It climbs up and goes inside the Feather river canyon where the fun starts for a couple of hours at the very least. A stop at Belden for a delicious burger and view of the river is a must. We're providing the REVER route and GPX coordinates for free.

feather river canyon route 70 california motorcycle tour

Click here for full REVER map.

We snake our way inside the canyon and shadow the feather river for hours. There is very little traffic most of the time, this road is a bit of a local open secret. We make it a point to 'ride native' and allow you to experience California as a local. Would you like to join for a ride?

moto tour motorcycle road trip via route 70 feather river canyon california